Dan's Corner of the Internet

I put my projects and other stuff I share with people here sometimes

Welcome to Daniel Brook's personal website. This is just a landing page for my collection of various project work over the years. Feel free to poke around a little, maybe something will be interesting. Jump over to my GitHub account (link on the left) for any software related things, too.

What I do

I am a Software Engineer with nearly 10 years of industry experience. My experience covers around 7 years on C/C++ backend applications and 2 years of web-based GUI work on an embedded Linux system. I love the puzzle-like nature of taking user requirements and turning them into something wonderful. User interface / frontend work is what got me into Computer Science, but I like to think that my broad experience in the backend world gives me a unique perspective on how to approach any problem.

Past and Current Projects

A list of personal or school projects, unrelated to any particular employment:


I was an operational meteorologist for a year and a half in Grand Forks, North Dakota at Meridian Environmental Technology. I discovered my interest in programming in both my on- and off-time and had a realization that it was more fulfilling to help solve peoples' problems/annoyances with software than it was to forecast the weather so I decided to pursue it as a full-blown career!

My computer science career has taken me from the Search, Shopping, and Pricing platform at Amadeus (where we worked on a large legacy backend to calculate airline ticket prices - around 2 billion transactions per day!) to developing a web-based GUI on a point-of-care medical diagnostic device at LumiraDx where I became the UI team's Technical Lead before the entire project was unfortunately suspended.

About this site

This site is hosted on a Linode. It's nice in that I can do more than just host a web server on it!

Updated: 28-Nov-2022